
The 0800 Reverse Wide Ride Skatepark Tour will be visiting skateparks across the UK during the summer and holding jam sessions for kids. Come and pick up free stickers and a t-shirt.

Come and check it out.

Check out the 0800Reverse Schools Challenge where schools from all over the UK get the opportunity to compete against each other. Follow team 0800OTG as they compete across the year or just come along and have a go. It’s all happening at the OTG Mountain Boarding Centre this year.

Come and check it out.

Action Sports Alliance

Action Sports Alliance gives young people the opportunity to get involved in all kinds of action sports. If you're between the ages of 11 and 16 and want to learn how to compete in a mountain board race, then you'll want to go to the 0800 Reverse Boarding Academies in May and June. And once you've honed your riding skills you'll be ready to race against schools from all over the UK in The 0800 Reverse School Challenge 2007. You could win £150 for your school, and £50 of vouchers and a trophy for yourself!

Come and check it out.





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