0800 Reverse is proud to support Beatbullying and The Big March 2012.

Yes, it’s back. And this time, it means global business!

The Big March 2012 is the world’s first virtual, global march for children’s right to be safe. Along with Universal, Girlguiding UK, Stephen Fry, and Diginate, we are joining The Big March 2012, the world’s first global digital march, with the leading bullying prevention charity, Beatbullying.

We will speak with one voice on Thursday 1 March, and call on the UN to enshrine explicitly in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The right of every child to be safe from bullying, violence and the fear of violence by their peers as well as from abuse by adults.

0800 Reverse has joined the Big March 2012 and is proud to support this amazing movement as millions of virtual marchers will cross the websites of the world’s biggest brands.

Spread the word by adding this email signature to your email sign off.
Directions: Just copy in the HTML below into your email signature:

<p><a href="http://www.beatbullying.org/bigmarch" target="_blank"><lmg src="http://www.beatbullying.org/BigMarch/email signature.png" width="650" height="150" alt="Email signature for The Big March" /></a><p>

Hang Out in The Big March Park, just go to http://www.beatbullying.org/bigmarch/, visit the Whitehouse, National Congress and Parliament!

Cyber bullyingSending nasty or threatening
texts or emails. Posting abusive messages online – on a social networking site, in a chatroom, or using Instant Messager. Posting humiliating videos or pictures online, or sending them on to other people. Taking on someone else's identity online in order to upset them. Setting up a hate site or a hate
group on a SNS site. Prank calling.

Sit down and be counted! Join Team Reverse in support of Beatbullying today.

Register now at http://goo.gl/RQTLN.

Join us. Sign the petition and join the march at http://goo.gl/GSF2t

0800 Reverse wants to Beat Bullying

0800 Reverse is a handy tool that puts personal safety back in your hands. By just dialing 0800...followed by the numbers that spell
R–E–V–E–R–S–E on your keypad, you can get connected and get out of whatever sticky situation you find yourselves in. Since you never know when you might need to use the service in an emergency, we recommend that you save the 0800 Reverse number into your phone, so it’s easy to access if you ever need it in a hurry.

Homophobic bullyingusing insults against
a person, physically assaulting someone or leaving someone out because of their real or assumed sexuality, calling things and inanimate objects ’gay’
or ’queer’

Beatbullying works with children and young people across the UK to stop bullying.

Beatbullying empowers young people so deeply affected by bullying that they can barely face going to school every day. They help young people to support each other. They help young people that bully to change their attitudes and behaviour. They shape attitudes, and change behaviours. They do this through their ground–breaking programmes CyberMentors and MiniMentors, which have peer mentoring and peer activism at their heart.

Disablist bullyingsingling someone out because they have a disability or learning difficulty, bullying someone for having a disabled brother, sister, parent or friend.

What is Bullying?

People often have trouble knowing what is bullying and what isn’t! It is an action intended to hurt or upset someone else and is often a repeated action.
You might call someone a name because you are angry with them – that’s not bullying. But if you use that name again and again because you know it hurts them – that’s bullying.
Bullying can also take many forms – here are just some of them:

Verbal bullying – name calling, threats, spreading gossip about someone and their family
Physical bullying – hitting, kicking, spitting, ruining someones property, jacking, stealing their money or possessions, throwing their possessions around
Non–verbal bullying – ignoring, peer pressure, manipulation, intimidation, threatening gestures
Emotional/Psychological bullying – making fun of someone, messing with their head, singling them out
Peer pressure – putting someone under pressure to act or look a certain way, making someone do something that they don’t want to do or stopping them from doing something that they do want to do, forcing someone to pick on someone else as part of a group to appear tough or be accepted

Giving someone abuse for being different, looking different, having different tastes and opinions, or even for being good at something.

Racist and faith–based bullying
bullying someone because of their skin colour or backgound/culture, bullying someone because of their beliefs or the beliefs they *don't* have, bullying someone because of their religion or their appearance – the way they have to dress or what they can or cannot eat

Sexual bullyingspeading rumours
about someone’s sex life or percieved sex life, inappropriate touching, sexual graffiti, forcing someone to act in a sexual manner, making sexual innuendo and propositions, making jokes
about rape

There are many types of bullying:

Bullying can often be more than can just one of these actions above. The most important thing to remember is that if you are being hurt by someone else, then you need to do something about it.

Tell a friend, parent, teacher or any adult. Its important to remember you are not alone and someone can help you.

Not sure if something is bullying, or what to do? Register here now , and you can talk to a CyberMentor about it in confidence.