
0800REVERSE supports Beatbullying

What is Bullying?

People often have trouble knowing what is bullying and what isn’t! It is an action intended to hurt or upset someone else and is often a repeated action.

You might call someone a name because you are angry with them – that’s not bullying. But if you use that name again and again because you know it hurts them – that’s bullying.

Beatbullying works with children and young people across the UK to stop bullying.

Beatbullying empowers young people so deeply affected by bullying that they can barely face going to school every day. They help young people to support each other. They help young people that bully to change their attitudes and behaviour. They shape attitudes, and change behaviours. They do this through their ground–breaking programmes CyberMentors and MiniMentors, which have peer mentoring and peer activism at their heart.

Bullying can often be more than can just one of these actions above. The most important thing to remember is that if you are being hurt by someone else, then help is at hand.

Tell a friend, parent, teacher or any adult. Its important to remember you are not alone and someone can help you.

Not sure if something is bullying, or what to do? Register here now , and you can talk to a CyberMentor your own age about it in confidence.

What is Cybermentors?

Cybermentors is all about young people helping and supporting each other online. If you’re being bullied and you’re not sure what to do or who to talk to, then CyberMentors is where you can go for help. It doesn’t matter how big or small the problem is, or whether you’re being targeted online or offline, CyberMentors are there to listen and support you.

The best thing about it, is that CyberMentors are young people like you, who have been trained and volunteer their time online to help you. It’s still important however, that you talk to your parents or teachers if you can. If you want to talk about a problem you’ve got with bullying, just send a CyberMentor a message (click on CyberMentors Online), or talk to them in the chat room. The site is secure, and you can keep all your chats private, and there are also counsellors available for anything really serious.

Good news is if your school has been involved in the CyberMentors training, then there will also be CyberMentors available to talk to you face–to–face if you’d prefer.

If you want to become a CyberMentor? That’s great news, all you need to do is click here to go to the CyberMentors application form

0800 Reverse wants to Beat Bullying and supports Cybermentors.

0800 Reverse is a handy tool that puts personal safety back in your hands. By just dialing 0800...followed by the numbers that spell R–E–V–E–R–S–E on your keypad, you can get connected and get out of whatever sticky situation you find yourselves in. Since you never know when you might need to use the service in an emergency, we recommend that you save the 0800 Reverse number into your phone, so it’s easy to access if you ever need it in a hurry.