
Price to make a call

No Coins? No Credit? No Problem.

You can call 0800 Reverse from mobiles, home phones and payphones. There’s no registration fee to access the service from your phone, and you don’t need coins to make the call.

There’s no charge to you to call 0800 Reverse from most Mobiles, Payphones or Home Phones in the UK. You can even call 0800 Reverse when you’re out of credit on your O2, Vodafone, Orange, T–Mobile, Three, Tesco, Giffgaff or Virgin Prepaid Mobile.

All you need to do is dial 0800 R–E–V–E–R–S–E from your phone, when you need to get connected. THAT’S 0800 7–3–8–3–7–7–3.

When you make a reverse charge call with 0800 Reverse, it’s the person receiving the call who is charged if they choose to accept.